An object in an exhibition is not simply enjoyed via its physical representation, or its very brief description on a label, but also through its history of events, through the research done related to it over the years, through the related comments and thoughts of scientists and scholars, and through the community of people interested in it.
Liquid Galleries gives vast support and guideline to visitors by providing information about exposed artifacts and related matters about the museum. In addition to community comments and contributions to artifacts, Liquid Galleries also allows scientists to share their research based knowledge associated to museums and museums themselves to share their catalogue's information. Since the museum visit is dedicated to the experience of real objects, information are provided also once back at home, when more time is available for deepening.
Knowledge is made available for visitors at any time so that they can capture and share with friends and colleagues the information that they are interested in. In this way, during the actual visit, people can concentrate on the experience of real objects without loosing the possibility of deepening.
This project has been interrupted as the main customer, the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology of Cambridge (UK), interrupted the collaboration with the team at the University of Trento and it was not possible for us to test the developed application and publish it.
LiquidGalleries has been implemented as both website (for consuming information about exhibits at home) and mobile app (to access content during the actual museum visit).
Screenshot of the website
Screenshots of the mobile app
The team was composed of different members:
LiquidGalleries is composed of the following components: